
Calls for Papers

Calls for Papers and Participation in conferences, work groups, affiliate societies, edited volumes, and more. Common topics include eighteenth-century studies, digital humanities, women's and gender studies, transnationalism, empire, and race.

Call For Graduate Student Papers: Catharine Macaulay Prize

The Catharine Macaulay Prize

Deadline for submission: May 31, 2014

Participating in Women's Caucus has been one of my most rewarding experiences at a member of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS). The annual meeting's luncheons offered a place for me to get to know other scholars in my field. I don't think I would have gone to so many ASECS conferences over the past seven years if I hadn't found this community of scholars.

During the past three years, I served on the judges' committee for the Macaulay Prize, so now that I'm Caucus secretary, I am invested in making sure this prize keeps growing in terms of the quality and quantity of submissions.

Please share this information as the May 31st deadline is new and the award has been raised from $350 to $500 this year. 

Here's the prize's official description:

The Catharine Macaulay Prize is an annual award made by the Women’s Caucus of ASECS for the best graduate student paper on a feminist or gender studies subject presented at the ASECS Annual Meeting or at any of the regional meetings during the academic year.In addition to special recognition, the prize carries a cash award of $500.

To be eligible for the prize, papers must advance understanding of gender dynamics, women’s experience, and/or women's contributions to eighteenth-century culture, or offer a feminist analysis of any aspect of eighteenth-century culture and/or society. 

The paper you submit for the prize should be the one you presented at the conference without expansion or significant revision.

Submissions for the Catharine Macaulay Prize must be sent directly to the ASECS office for consideration:


PO Box 7867
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

or as an email attachment (Word):

The winner of the prize will be notified soon after the committee has made its decision and will be announced at the following year’s annual meeting and the Women's Caucus luncheon.

For more details see the Women's Caucus Website.

More updates on the other prizes will be coming, too! But until then, read about them on the new and lovely Women's Caucus website: 

Émilie Du Châtelet Award for Independent or Adjunct Scholars 
Deadline for submission: January 15, 2015

Editing and Translation Fellowship
Deadline for submission: January 15, 2015

The Catharine Macaulay Prize
Deadline for submission: May 31, 2014